7 Useful Tips For Making The Greatest Use Of Your Spare Car Keys Cut

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Why You Should Have Spare Car Keys Cut

Many modern cars have keys that are programmable, and can be used to modify the settings of the car. For instance you can alter the speed at which the car is driven or the volume of the radio. These customizations are not lost if you have an extra key however you will have to re-programme the new key each time someone else drives your car.


The cost of getting spare keys cut for your car is a minimal but worthwhile investment that saves you from the hassle and cost of losing your one set of keys. It also prevents future overpayments for tow truck charges or locksmith services. However, the best defense against misplaced keys is to be proactive. It is essential to keep a spare one in a safe location and make sure it is readily accessible in case of an emergency. This way, you can avoid the hassle of searching for keys that have been lost and resume driving your vehicle immediately.

It's not easy to choose the right spare keys for your car. The cheapest spare keys might appear to be an economical option initially, but they can cause unexpected issues over the course of time. These issues include key fob malfunctions as well as programming mistakes. If you're planning to purchase a cheap spare car key, you must be aware of these issues beforehand.

If you have a new vehicle, it will need you to program your new key prior to you can start the engine and use the key functions. This is usually accomplished by inserting the key into the ignition and then waiting for the security light to turn on. spare car key replacement cost could take up to 15 minutes for the key to be connected with the RFID chip of the vehicle, depending on the type of key. In some cases, the car will reject the key, and you will have to replace it.

Some keys are more complex than others, and a few cannot be duplicated without the original key. This includes proximity keys, smart keys and electronic key fobs. Duplicating them requires special equipment and programming and is only performed at specific key cutting services. Before you get your car key cut, it is crucial to confirm that the key is able to be duplicated.

A trusted family member or a friend is another option. This is a practical solution, particularly for those who travel frequently. It will ensure that you have a reliable person to help you in the event of losing your keys or have them locked inside the car.


In the event of an emergency, having an extra key for your car will save you money and time. It also gives you peace of mind knowing you are prepared for any situation. You can obtain replacement keys from the dealer or find one online. But, it is crucial to remember that these keys need to be programmed before they can work in your vehicle. This procedure can take up to an hour and should be handled by an experienced locksmith.

If you're a forgetful person or don't trust anyone with your keys, it is essential to have a backup. The best way to do this is by keeping the spare car keys in a safe place and hidden from view. This is important, both for your own safety and the safety of others. There are several locations to store a spare car key, but it is important to be aware that thieves will search for it. It is possible to hide it in a spot that is difficult for people to get at, like under a plant or within an enclosed container. It is also possible to purchase a hitch vault for your vehicle, which can be an ideal option if you are prone to locking your keys in your car.

Some people keep their spare keys in key chains and key rings. These can be easily lost or stolen and you should not keep a spare key in the ignition of your vehicle. Keep your spare key on an entirely different ring from the rest of your car keys. This makes it more difficult for someone to steal.

The rear or front tires of your vehicle is a great spot to store a spare key. This will protect it from potential thieves and make it easy to retrieve in case in the event of an emergency. Use an inexpensive lock if opt to do this. You can also ask a friend to hold the spare key in case of emergency. Choose a friend that is reliable and trustworthy and who you are able to reach in a crisis.


Having a spare key can be useful in situations where you have lost your car keys or have locked them inside your vehicle. It will spare you the trouble of having to call an locksmith or wait for a towing service, and it can give you peace of mind in an emergency. However, it is important to keep your spare key in a secure location to avoid being taken.

The spare key should be hidden in a place that isn't easily visible. This is particularly useful for those who live in areas or cities that have high rates of crime. Alternatively, you can also buy a lockbox fixed to the undercarriage your car. Some of these boxes are placed under the vehicle while others are attached to the license plate holder.

Another option is to donate your spare key to a family member who lives near by. This is a great idea for those who forget where they have put their keys, however it is important to choose a person who you can trust. Make sure the person you choose not to place the keys in a prominent location, such as on the visor or under the doormat.

The cost of getting a spare car key cut differs greatly based on the type of car you have and the locksmith you select. Generally speaking, standard keys for cars can be cut quickly and are not expensive however key fobs take more time since they need to be programmed to work with your car's security system. It is best to first inquire with the company that cuts keys to ensure they are able to offer the type of key you require.

The best place to hide a spare car key is at home. This is because thieves are less likely to look for the key, and it can be hidden until you need it. You can store your keys in a fake dryer vent or behind the power meter.


It is impossible to deny the benefit of having an extra car key. It's a great method to ensure that you don't get locked out of your vehicle and save money on locksmith charges. The procedure of replacing your car keys can be lengthy and expensive if they are lost. You can create a duplicate key from the original one to make the process easier. A local Mister Minit store can do this for you at a fraction of the cost of a locksmith auto.

The cost of having a spare key cut differs based on where you live and the type of key you own and whether you require the key programmed. Be sure to check the warranty offered by the company where you purchase your spare. Cheaper spares may seem like a good idea at first, but they could be defective and not perform as expected, resulting in expensive repairs later.

It is important to choose a reputable company that duplicates the keys of top quality. Look for a company with a 24/7 customer service so that you can reach them in the event of an emergency. Also, make sure that the spare key is an extremely high-quality blade that won't break inside the lock cylinder.

It is common for people to lose their keys in the event that they leave home. Therefore, it is important that you keep them in a secure location. The best place to store a spare key is with a trusted friend or family member who can take it to you in the event in the event of an emergency. It will also lower the risk of theft if you keep it with someone whom you trust.

You should also store your spare car keys in a spot that isn't visible from outside. For instance an unintentional dryer or power meters. These areas aren't often played with and are therefore ideal locations to hide spare car keys.

You can hide a spare car key in the wheel well or under your vehicle with a magnetic key holder. You can also buy a key container designed for this for this purpose. They are typically small enough to fit behind your license plate, or under your front bumper.